Forest mystery
A deer leads us through his silvery universe: mushrooms, white balls, snow-covered Christmas tree, small white teddy bears, protecting angels, glasses like a star-lighted sky, nordic knitwear, all under a star-covered curtain. Dishes ‘Fiori weiss’ (Villeroy et Bosch).
The Christmas magic across all continents
Indian nights
For this table which is particularly adapted for a long evening, our choice of colours was determined by the traditional design of the Tajik silk table center: blue and golden dishes from hôtel Crillon (Paris), carmine, celadon. The peacock and the elephant are emblems of India, and so is the lighting deployed down to the floor. Venetian glasses, vases from Burma, a palm tree from Yemen, a thai bell or Russian balls enhance the impression of the 1001 nights. A journey worthy of the Three Magi right in your plate!
Mountain authenticity
Christmas up in the mountains with sledges, pine cones, and a wooden lantern as the table center around a set by Guy Degrenne. A wine stock and floated wood from the lake enhance autumnal balls with degins of poinsettiasand maple leaves, a golden squirrel (Jensen, Copenhague), acorns and quail eggs. Snail shells complement the folding of the napkins that match the tablecloth (Le Jacquard Français) as well as crystal glasses decorated with a bow, in the same tones as the suspended traditional amaretto .
Floral theme
To go along with this set ‘Bouquet’ (Villeroy et Bosch) and glasses shaped as natural stems, a whole world of flowers and exotic grenades exotiques, dried or in pots, like these cyclamens which invite themselves to feed the winter birds. Even the traditionally-embroidered napkins are folded in the shape of a rose, enhancing the couple of a skater and a skier suspended under the Flos lamp.